Our Stolen Election!
Single best video that shows how our election was stolen and by who.
Mike Lindell is the Hero of the 2020 Election theft! Spending millions of his personal money to expose the China's hacking of the election. If you have not seen the three day Symposium, please check out Frank Speech below were it is played in a loop. Also, check out Lindell's Documentaries below which better Explain the Theft of our election and the proof Mr. Lindell has acquired.
Documentaries by Mike Lindell
Absolutely 9-0
Absolute Interference
Scientific Proof
Absolute Proof
Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election?
here is how they stole the election
These three links, one to a site which chronicles all the evidence currently available regarding both Election and Voter fraud. The second link is to Sydney Powells 270 page document regarding foreign influence in the 2020 election. Finally there is a link to a Dropbox filled with filings provided by Lin Wood.