Conspiracy Theories
I created this site because I feel that, above all else, the ability to freely exchange ideas is the single most important freedom that we have. In a free society, no one should be afraid to share thoughts and ideas that, they themselves, may not share. To that end... this is a collection of what I feel are the most interesting and relevant Videos regarding politics and society in general. They do NOT necessarily reflect my personal thoughts and ideas but are those I find fascinating. Please feel free to explore the links and I hope you find them as interesting as I do.
Also... Should you feel there is content that should be included in on this site, PLEASE feel free to contact me. There is a link to contact me located at the bottom of each page.
Thank You
Click on These for more great topics to check out. Each image is its own site.
Glenn Beck Four Part Special on Ukraine
The Best Explanation of who the Deep State is.
the Fall of the Cabal by Janet ossebaard
Link to BitChute Channel FallCabal